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An Enriching Meeting@14 Sep 2010

Dear Fellow Indrahanians,

The Taman Indrahana Toastmasters met again on September 14, 2010 – our usual venue at the usual time. Kay opened the meeting by welcoming everybody and proceeded straight into her presidential address. As is her trademark, Kay gave us a story about a King who was looking for an heir. Needless to say, there were many who were interested in the “job” but only one candidate got it – and it was all because he demonstrated integrity. An important story that taught us the timeless value of integrity.

Lim Thian Seng then took control as the Toastmaster-of-the-Evening. With his banter that overflowed generously with delightful wit, he signaled the start of the meeting proper that kept us wowed for the next two hours. Once he was done with his introductions, Alice Ong (as Humor Master) came forward to inject us with more humor that made us chortle, chuckle and cackle for a full 5 minutes! But soon after, the serious business of assignment speeches commenced, and there were three speakers in this order of appearance: Victor Ong, Karen Sze Tho and Olga Eng – the trio delivering their CC speeches that were peppered with a magnificent mastery of words and arrangements of words, speeches that made the audience spellbound, at least that’s what the speakers had hoped for. To be honest, to a large degree – they did entertain the audience. And there were plentiful messages – Victor talked about work-life balance; Karen reminded us not to leave laughter to chance; and Olga pleaded with us to take care of our eyes. Simple messages that are often taken for granted, yet full of meaningful relevance.

Alice came back and she put on her second hat as the Table Topics Master, and four willing volunteers stepped forward to try their hands at impromptu speaking. One of the four was Ken Li – a newcomer and non-Toastmaster, and later she discovered to her delight that she was voted the Best Table Topics speaker! I am sure she is very much encouraged now – and hopefully, she will take that first step to sign up as a Toastmaster because she really shows promise!

And in the second half of the meeting, Lorna Fisher, ACS CL took control as our General Evaluator. And so, one by one, the designated role-players undertook their respective tasks. May Yong did the Table Topics evaluation, Koon Kow, Choi Woon and Jade Lim gave their individual evaluations for the 3 speeches delivered, Dr. Devi Menon put us on the right track insofar as language was concerned, Hong Yuan alerted us on our speech crutches so that we can exorcise them from our presentations and finally, Wooi Hong ensured we kept to time. And Lorna generally complimented us but what was even better was that she challenged us to try to do things differently! It makes sense because at the end of the day, a Toastmaster meeting is not only meant to be a learning experience for us all, but that in learning, we should also have fun!

So another enriching meeting for those who came. And for those who didn’t make it, you have our 28th meeting to make amends! Make the effort, please, because we will have our usual serving of speeches and evaluations, plus there’ll be lanterns and mooncakes too, and of course, generously accompanied by warm blasts of laughter! Happy Toastmastering!

Thanks and kind regards,
Victor Ong
Vice President Education 2010-2011
Taman Indrahana Toastmasters Club


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